J.Abdimas: Community Health https://journal.gunabangsa.ac.id/index.php/jach <p align="justify">J.Abdimas: Community Helath (Journal of Community Engagement), is a scientific multidisciplinary journal published by LPPM STIKES Guna Bangsa Yogyakarta. It is in the national level that covers a lot of common problems or issues related to community services. The aim of this journal publication is to disseminate the conceptual thoughts or ideas and research results that have been achieved in the area of community services.</p> LPPM STIKES Guna Bangsa Yogyakarta en-US J.Abdimas: Community Health 2746-542X <p>Authors who publish with this journal agree to the following terms:</p> <div align="justify"> <ul> <li class="show">Authors retain copyright and grant the journal right of first publication with the work simultaneously licensed under a&nbsp;<a href="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Creative Commons Attribution License (<strong>CC-BY</strong>)</a>&nbsp;that allows others to share the work with an acknowledgment of the work's authorship and initial publication in this journal.</li> <li class="show">Authors are able to enter into separate, additional contractual arrangements for the non-exclusive distribution of the journal's published version of the work (e.g., post it to an institutional repository or publish it in a book), with an acknowledgment of its initial publication in this journal.</li> <li class="show">Authors are permitted and encouraged to post their work online (e.g., in institutional repositories or on their website) prior to and during the submission process, as it can lead to productive exchanges, as well as earlier and greater citation of published work (<a href="http://opcit.eprints.org/oacitation-biblio.html" target="_blank" rel="noopener">See The Effect of Open Access</a>).</li> </ul> </div> Improving the Knowledge of Safe Healthy Food and The Ability to Make Healthy Meals for Children in Parents of Students at TK Khalifah Jakarta 1 https://journal.gunabangsa.ac.id/index.php/jach/article/view/662 <p><em>Children are an age group that experiences a period of rapid growth and development during this phase of life, so healthy and safe food intake is needed to support optimal growth and development. Therefore, education about healthy and safe food for parents (guardians) is expected to maintain children's health and build healthy lifestyles for them into adulthood. The aim of implementing this community service program (PPM) is to help increase the knowledge of parents (and guardians) in determining healthy and safe food for children and families. The target of delivering this PPM is to parents (and guardians) of students at TK Khalifah Jakarta 1, located around the Faculty of Pharmacy and Science Campus, UHAMKA, East Jakarta. Implementation of PPM is carried out through the socialization of healthy and safe food materials. Training on making and packaging healthy lunches is also carried out in this activity involving parents (and guardians). Evaluation of the success of this PPM activity is assessed using a questionnaire given before and after the implementation of the activity. Based on statistical analysis, the results showed that there was an increase in knowledge of healthy and safe food and the ability of parents (and guardians) of students to make healthy provisions for children by 72.2% (</em><em>a</em><em>=0.05).</em></p> Ni Putu Ermi Hikmawanti Sofia Fatmawati Tuti Wiyati Copyright (c) 2024 Ni Putu Ermi Hikmawanti, Sofia Fatmawati, Tuti Wiyati https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2024-05-06 2024-05-06 5 1 01 07 10.30590/jach.v5n1.662 Training on Processing Sunflower Seed Oil (Helianthus annus L.) into Massage Oil https://journal.gunabangsa.ac.id/index.php/jach/article/view/737 <p><em>Massage treatment is part of traditional health services which can provide a stimulating and relaxing effect, improve the blood and lymph circulation system and strengthen other body systems, intended to improve health and fitness. Massage treatments generally use massage oil containing essential oils as aromatherapy. The use of essential oils in aromatherapy, especially through massage treatments, must be mixed with carrier oil in the form of vegetable oil such as sunflower seed oil. Pengalangan village is a sunflower agrotourism village with great sunflower potential but the results of sunflower cultivation are still less than optimal and are limited to sunflower seed food. Therefore, the team provides an Eco-preneurship solution with an effort to increase the selling value of the results of processing sunflower seeds in the form of oil to be processed into massage oil. This effort was carried out by providing material using the lecture method and continued with training in making massage oil for PKK cadres and village residents as participants. The end of this activity showed an increase in participants' knowledge by 16.8%, as well as an increase in participants' skills in making massage oil products independently.</em></p> Dewi Perwito Sari Asti Rahayu Asri Wido Mukti Prisma Trida Hardani Ria Andriani Mukti Ira Purbosari Intan Ayu Kusuma Pramushinta Setiana Andarwulan Tatang Sopandi Prasmita Dian Wijayati M. Nushron Ali Mukhtar Mukhtar Fatmawati Nadya Ambarwati Amanda Safithri Sinulingga Sri Hidayati Amalia Indra Dwi Framono Copyright (c) 2024 Dewi Perwito Sari, Asti Rahayu, Asri Wido Mukti, Prisma Trida Hardani, Ria Andriani Mukti, Ira Purbosari, Intan Ayu Kusuma Pramushinta, Setiana Andarwulan, Tatang Sopandi, Prasmita Dian Wijayati, M. Nushron Ali Mukhtar Mukhtar, Fatmawati, Nadya Ambarwati, Amanda Safithri Sinulingga, Sri Hidayati Amalia, Indra Dwi Framono https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2024-05-06 2024-05-06 5 1 08 14 10.30590/jach.v5n1.737 Education About Cervic And Breast Cancer as Well as Iva and Breast Examination in Women of Reproductive Age https://journal.gunabangsa.ac.id/index.php/jach/article/view/738 <p><em>The cancers that have the highest contribution to Indonesian women are cervical and breast cancer. Cervical cancer is in second place and breast cancer is in third place. It is known that nationally the behavior of women of childbearing age is still low in carrying out VIA and BSE examinations. From the data it was found that only 8.3% of women aged 30-50 years carried out early examinations for cervical cancer using the Acetic Acid Visual Inspection method (IVA test) and breast cancer using Self-Examine Your Breasts (BSE). The aim of this activity is that after providing outreach regarding cervical and breast cancer health education, there will be an increase in knowledge of women of childbearing age and increase awareness of checking and detecting cervical and breast cancer early. The method used is providing health education information with counseling to increase knowledge of women of childbearing age about cervical and breast cancer as well as VIA and BSE examinations through lectures, giving leaflets, discussions and questions and answers then carrying out examination simulations followed by direct examination of women of childbearing age with The hope is that awareness will arise of the importance of early detection in order to increase the recovery rate and higher life expectancy as well as improve the level of health in Indonesia.</em></p> Haryati Astuti Mia Rita Sari Madinah Madinah Dahlia Murni Copyright (c) 2024 Haryati Astuti, Mia Rita Sari, Madinah Madinah, Dahlia Murni https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2024-05-06 2024-05-06 5 1 15 20 10.30590/jach.v5n1.738 Extremity Fracture Handling Education for Patients at Semarang City Hospital https://journal.gunabangsa.ac.id/index.php/jach/article/view/823 <p><em>There are some people who still have no idea how to properly treat fractures in the modern era. or contemporarily using the latest technology. One way to handle fractures that uses radiology technology. The aim of this community service is to increase knowledge about fracture management. Methods This community service involved demonstration and distribution of questionnaires. This was followed by distributing leaflets to provide a summary of the material. With 20 participants, the community service was conducted on June 12-13, 2023. The background of the counseling participants consisted of families of patients from various age groups and genders. The results showed that almost 95 percent of the participants had insufficient knowledge about the types of fracture treatment with a good knowledge category. In contrast, the results after demonstration, leaflet, and questionnaire refilling showed that almost 95 percent of the participants did not understand about fracture management with poor knowledge category. It can be concluded that this activity is expected to provide new knowledge to patients and their families and improve services at Semarang City Hospital.</em></p> Dyah Ayu Puspitaningtyas Achmad Ridwan Ignasius Dwi Kuncoro Copyright (c) 2024 Dyah Ayu Puspitaningtyas, Achmad Ridwan, Ignasius Dwi Kuncoro https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2024-05-06 2024-05-06 5 1 21 24 10.30590/jach.v5n1.823 Implementation of Psychosocial Support Services Through Play Therapy and Phbs for Children Post the Mount Semeru Eruption Disaster in Sumber Mujur Village, Lumajang District, East Java https://journal.gunabangsa.ac.id/index.php/jach/article/view/847 <p><em>Disasters such as the eruption of the merapi mountain are a natural event that can interfere and threaten human life like the erupting of Mount Semeru. Children are the successor generation of the nation, psychological trauma will impede the child's ability to grow and develop well in the psychological and physical aspects. A form of intervention that can be performed is the psychosocial support service (LDP), the LDP aims to improve the social functioning of children through play therapy and provide understanding of clean and healthy living behavior (PHBS) in children after disasters. The PLA method is used as a participatory approach to helping children victims of disasters in LDP activities, by involving the learning process of groups in an interactive manner, the target in this activity is 29 children who became victims after the eruption of the mountain semeru. &nbsp;The techniques used are interviews and observations. This dedication consists of four stages: planning, preparation, implementation, and evaluation. The results of this dedication showed that children involved in LDP experienced an improvement in problem-solving skills, such as children being able to express emotions, collaborate with others, and show greater empathy besides children applying a clean and healthy post-disaster lifestyle (PHBS). They showed increased awareness and compliance with health practices, such as washing hands andining dental hygiene.&nbsp; These children also act as agents of change in their communities by educating others about the importance of PHBS.</em></p> Nur Aini Mari Esterilita Uut Hanafi Rochman Copyright (c) 2024 Nur Aini, Mari Esterilita, Uut Hanafi Rochman https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2024-05-06 2024-05-06 5 1 25 35 10.30590/jach.v5n1.847