of Health (JoH)2025-02-14T14:44:46+07:00Dian Wuri Astuti[email protected]Open Journal Systems<p><strong>Journal of Health (JoH)</strong> (p-ISSN 2355-8857 | e-ISSN 2407-6376) publishes research articles, conceptual articles, reports field studies (See Focus and Scope). The articles of this journal are published every six months, that is on January and July (2 issues per year), and published by the Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat STIKES Guna Bangsa Yogyakarta Indonesia.</p> Effect of Lavender Aromatherapy on The Degree of Insomnia In Young Girls at SMAN 1 Godean 2025-01-31T08:36:18+07:00Giani Tresna Julia[email protected]Elvika Fit Ari Shanti[email protected]<p><em>Insomnia is a situation when a person is unable to get adequate sleep, both in quantity and quality, with only short sleep situations, or difficulty sleeping. Sustained insomnia in adolescents can lead to a worsening quality of life and an increased risk of somatic, interpersonal, and psychiatric problems. Lavender aromatherapy can be used to reduce insomnia. Lavender contains linalool which has a calming effect and can induce a person to sleep. This research aims to determine the effect of lavender aromatherapy on the degree of insomnia in the young girls at SMAN 1 Godean. This research is a quasy-experiment with non equivalent control group design. The sample technique was purposive sampling with a total of 34 respondents divided into the experimental group and the control group of 17 respondents. The research instrument used KSPBJ-IRS and observation sheet. Statistical analysis using Wilcoxon test and Mann Whitney U test. The results of the Wilcoxon test in the experimental group obtained a p-value of 0.002 (<0.05) and control group obtained a p-value of 1,000 (>0,05). The results of the Mann Whitney U test obtained a p-value of 0.002 (<0.05). The conclusion is that there is an effect of lavender aromatherapy on the degree of insomnia in young girls at SMAN 1 Godean. </em></p>2025-01-22T09:50:58+07:00Copyright (c) 2025 Giani Tresna Julia, Elvika Fit Ari Shanti Relationship of Hypertension Classification to Decreasing Cognitive Function of Hypertension Patients at Pekauman Health Center, Banjarmasin City 2025-01-31T08:36:22+07:00I Gede Deriana[email protected]Eirene E.M. Gaghauna[email protected]Bagus Rahmat Santoso[email protected]<p><em>Cognitive function is a person's ability to think, recall and pay attention, including in the learning process. Decrease and disturbance of cognitive function when there is a decrease and disturbance of the noble functions of the brain such as concentration, memory, language, intellectual functions such as counting. An increase in blood pressure that is not controlled can cause a reduction in blood flow to the brain, causing brain performance to be disrupted, with one of the symptoms being a decrease in cognitive function. Of course, decreased cognitive function in hypertensive patients can directly affect the quality of life of sufferers, where currently decreased cognitive function is the cause of a person's inability to carry out normal activities. Hypertension is an abnormal increase in blood pressure, both systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure. In general, a person is said to have hypertension if his blood pressure is > 140/90 mmHg (normally 120/80 mmHg). To determine the relationship between hypertension classification and cognitive function decline. Quantitative study with the type of analytic observation with a cross-sectional approach. Using purposive sampling method, the number of samples is 71 people. The analytical test used was chi-square, the research instrument was the MMSE questionnaire and a digital sphygmomanometer. It turns out that many respondents experienced decreased cognitive function, so they need to maintain a healthy lifestyle and blood pressure to remain stable so that cognitive function decline does not occur.</em></p>2025-01-22T09:57:05+07:00Copyright (c) 2025 I Gede Deriana, Eirene E.M. Gaghauna, Bagus Rahmat Santoso of Duration of Use with Decreased Libido in DMPA Injectable KB Acceptors at PMB Hana Sri Wuryaningsih Parakan2025-01-31T08:36:26+07:00Hana Sri Wuryaningsih[email protected]Dian Monalisa Rusliani[email protected]Riska Ismawati Hakim[email protected]<p>Penggunaan kontrasepsi Suntik DMPA jangka panjang dapat menurunkan kadar estrogen, mempengaruhi metabolisme hormone, dan menurunkan kadar estradiol serum, sehingga mengakibatkan penurunan fungsi seksual wanita. KB Suntik DMPA menunjukkan efek disfungsi seksual yang signifikan jika penggunaan selama lebih dari 2 tahun. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui hubungan lama pemakaian dengan penurunan libido pada akseptor KB Suntik DMPA di PMB Hana Sri Wuryaningsih. Desain penelitian menggunakan deskriptif korelatif dengan pendekatan <em>cross sectional.</em> Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah semua akseptor KB Suntik DMPA di PMB Hana Sri Wuryaningsih sebanyak 141 orang. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan <em>Purposive sampling</em>. Jumlah sampel yaitu 104 responden. Instrumen penelitian ini menggunakan kuesioner. Analisa univariate dengan tabel distribusi frekuensi dan analisa bivariate dengan uji <em>Chi Square</em>.</p>2025-01-22T10:03:47+07:00Copyright (c) 2025 Hana Sri Wuryaningsih, Dian Monalisa Rusliani, Riska Ismawati Hakim Between History of Prematurity with Speech Delay in Toddler in the Children’s Growth Room, Ulin Hospital Banjarmasin2025-01-31T08:36:28+07:00Noorlinda Noorlinda[email protected]Malisa Ariani[email protected]Paul Joae Brett Nito[email protected]<p><em>The ability to speak is one of the abilities that is very important and must be possessed by children, because the ability to speak is considered a fundamental ability. It is very important to pay attention to children's speaking abilities, so that speech delays do not occur in children (speech delay). Prematurity is one of the causes of speech delays in children.</em> <em>To determine the relationship between a history of prematurity and speech delay in children aged 2-5 years</em><em>. </em><em>This type of quantitative research is analytic observational with a retrospective approach. The research sample was 46 respondents using purposive sampling technique. The data collection tool used observation sheets for the history of prematurity and recapitulation of pediatric patient visit data based on a doctor's diagnosis. Univariate and bivariate data analysis using chi square.</em> <em>A total of 19 people (41.3%) respondents had a history of prematurity and speech delays in 19 people (41.3%). There is a relationship between a history of prematurity and speech delay in children aged 2-5 years (p=0.000 <0.005).</em> <em>There is a relationship between a history of prematurity and speech delay in children aged 2-5 years</em><em>.</em><em> The thing that must be considered so that children experience appropriate language development is to monitor child development at the Puskesmas/Posyandu or by paying attention to the children's language development table according to their age.</em></p>2025-01-22T10:31:11+07:00Copyright (c) 2025 Noorlinda Noorlinda, Malisa Ariani, Paul Joae Brett Nito of Complementary Therapy Decoction of Celery Leaves and Bay Leaves on Reducing Hypertension in Paku Alam Village2025-01-31T08:36:32+07:00Trisna Devina[email protected]Muhammad Riduansyah[email protected]Rifa’atul Mahmudah[email protected]<p><em>Complementary therapy is an alternative non-pharmacological treatment that can control blood pressure in hypertension sufferers. The apiin compound content in celery leaves and bay leaves is believed to be able to reduce high blood pressure.</em><em> To determine the effectiveness of complementary therapy of boiled celery leaves and bay leaves on reducing hypertension. The research uses a quantitative approach with a Quasi Experiment One Group With Pretest-Posttest Design. The instruments in this research were observation sheets and aneroid spygmomanometer. The sample was 14 hypertensive patients in Paku Alam Village with a purposive sampling technique. Data analysis used the Wilcoxon test and data collection used observation sheets. From the results of Wilcoxon's statistical tests before and after the test, it can be concluded that the pre and post systolic and diastolic results of celery leaves achieved significant results.The effectiveness of complementary therapy of boiled celery leaves and bay leaves has an effect on reducing hypertension in the community in Paku Alam Village.The results showed that after giving a decoction of celery leaves and bay leaves, the blood pressure of respondents decreased. Wilcoxon's test results showed that bay leaf intake was more effective in reducing high blood pressure, there was a significant difference after giving bay leaf decoction.</em></p>2025-01-22T10:52:38+07:00Copyright (c) 2025 Trisna Devina, Muhammad Riduansyah, Rifa’atul Mahmudah Role of Active Range of Motion Exercises in Improving Activity Tolerance in the Elderly2025-01-31T08:36:35+07:00Ayunda Putri Saraswati[email protected]Saiful Nurhidayat[email protected]Rika Maya Sari[email protected]<p><em>The elderly are vulnerable to experiencing various kinds of health problems. Increasing age causes some body performance to decline which can result in decreased physical activity in meeting activity needs. The ability to carry out activities cannot be separated from the adequacy of the musculoskeletal system which can result in activity intolerance nursing problems. The aim of this study was to determine the role of active range of motion exercises in increasing activity tolerance in the elderly. The research method applied was qualitative with a case study approach which set the target of 1 elderly person at UPT PSTW Magetan who experienced activity intolerance and was given active range of motion exercises. The results of the research obtained subjective data, namely that clients complained of getting tired quickly, feeling weak and uncomfortable after carrying out activities. The objective data obtained is that the client looks tired and blood pressure appears to increase when at rest. The nursing intervention used to overcome the problem is active range of motion exercises which aim to increase muscle strength and activity tolerance. Evaluation after giving the treatment for 6 days was that complaints of fatigue and weakness decreased, ease of carrying out activities increased, and blood pressure began to improve. In conclusion, active range of motion exercises are effective in improving muscle strength and activity tolerance in the elderly, and are recommended for independent practice.</em></p>2025-01-22T11:17:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2025 Ayunda Putri Saraswati, Saiful Nurhidayat, Rika Maya Sari Relationship Between Fe Tablets Consumption Behavior on The Incident of Anemia in Five Semester Midwifery Students at Universitas 'Aisyiyah Yogyakarta2025-01-31T08:36:39+07:00Surti Partiningsih[email protected]Fayakun Nur Rohmah[email protected]<p><em>The increase in the prevalence rate of reproductive women who experience red blood cell deficiency reaches 29.9%, which is in line with the figure of more than half a billion reproductive women. Then the increase in the number of iron deficiency problems still exists in districts or cities in Yogyakarta with the incidence of anemia in 2019 and 2020 decreasing and then increasing again in 2021 with an anemia prevalence rate of 42%. According to this problem, the researcher wants to research the relationship between behavior in consuming Fe tablets and the incidence of anemia in fifth semester S1 Midwifery students at 'Aisyiyah University Yogyakarta.</em><em> The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship between behavior in consuming Fe tablets and the incidence of anemia in S1 Midwifery students in the fifth semester at 'Aisyiyah University Yogyakarta. The type of research uses observational analysis with a cross sectional approach. The sampling technique used by the researcher in this study uses purposive random sampling with a total sample of 55 subjects. In this study, an ethical clearance test number 3271/KEP-UNISA/XI/2023 has been carried out. The instruments used in this study used a digital Hb check tool and a questionnaire sheet containing a set of written questions to the respondents. The results of the analysis of variables with chi square showed that there was a significant relationship between the behavior of consuming Fe tablets and the incidence of anemia by 0.009 (p<0.05).</em></p>2025-01-22T14:04:51+07:00Copyright (c) 2025 Surti Partiningsih, Fayakun Nur Roham Quality Control Analysis of Sgot and Sgpt Examination Using Levey-Jennings Graphics and Six Sigma at X Hospital Yogyakarta2025-01-31T08:36:44+07:00Sulma Hajijatur Ridlwana[email protected]Arifiani Agustin Amalia[email protected] Yeni Rahmawati[email protected]<p><em>Quality control (QC) is a process in monitoring and evaluating activity at the analytical stage, quality control aims to monitor accuracy, precision, LeveyJennings graphs, Westgard rules and six sigma to detect errors in laboratory examinations immediately and determine the performance of the laboratory. This research was conducted to find out how the quality control of SGOT and SGPT enzyme examinations is carried out in PKU Muhammadiyah Gamping Hospital laboratory. This research uses a quantitative descriptive research method with a cross sectional approach. The data used in this research was secondary data for daily control of SGOT and SGPT examinations for July-December 2023. The data obtained would be processed using Microsoft Excel by creating a Levey-Jennings graph then evaluated using Westgard rules and calculating the mean, SD, CV, TV values, TE, bias and six sigma Based on the research conducted, it was found that the results of the Levey-Jennings graph for the SGOT and SGPT parameters were not affected by the wetsgard rule. The accuracy and precision values for SGOT and SGPT showed high results. The six sigma value for SGOT examination parameters was 6.5 and for SGPT was 8.2. The six sigma value was included in the world class category with very good laboratory performance. </em></p>2025-01-23T08:38:52+07:00Copyright (c) 2025 Sulma Hajijatur Ridlwana, Arifiani Agustin Amalia, Yeni Rahmawati Influence of The Application of the Education System in Postpartum Period (Semasa) on the Care Behavior of Public Women at Humana Prima Hospital Bandung2025-01-31T08:36:48+07:00Yanti Herawati[email protected]Yeni Mahwati[email protected]Ma’mun Sutisna[email protected]Herri S Sastramihardja[email protected]Teni Nurlatifah[email protected]Mia Dwi Lestari[email protected]<p><em>Approximately 50% of maternal deaths occur within the first 24 hours after delivery. Cesarean section (CS) delivery can lead to more complications compared to vaginal delivery. At Humana Prima Hospital, the incidence of CS deliveries was 1035 in 2021, 1192 in 2022, and 1426 in 2023. Providing education during the postpartum period is important for increasing maternal knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors. An innovative educational medium, such as the SEMASA application, can be an instrumental in this regard. This study aimed to analyze the influence of using the SEMASA application on maternal knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors in postpartum care. This quantitative study employed a quasi-experimental with a nonequivalent posttest-only control group approach. The research was conducted on 84 postpartum mothers at Humana Prima Hospital in 2023, using purposive sampling to select 42 respondents who used the SEMASA application and 42 respondents who received information through leaflets. Data were analyzed using the Mann-Whitney test. The results revealed significant differences in knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors between the intervention and control groups. In the intervention group, 36 respondents (85.7%) demonstrated good knowledge, compared to 22 respondents (52.4%) in the control group (p<0.05); 36 respondents (85.7%) in the intervention group had a positive attitude, compared to 34 respondents (81.0%) in the control group (p<0.05); 38 respondents (90.5%) in the intervention group exhibited compliant behavior, compared to 26 respondents (61.9%) in the control group (p<0.05). The study concluded that the SEMASA application effectively improves the knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors of postpartum women in their postpartum care.</em></p>2025-01-23T08:45:18+07:00Copyright (c) 2025 Yanti Herawati, Yeni Mahwati, Ma’mun Sutisna, Herri S Sastramihardja, Teni Nurlatifah, Mia Dwi Lestari of Poned Program Implementation in the Decrease in Maternal Mortality in UPTD Puskesmas Patani2025-01-31T08:36:51+07:00Suriyanti Akbar[email protected]Eka Vicky Yulivantina[email protected]Yustina Ananti[email protected]<p><em>The maternal mortality rate in North Maluku was 255 per 100,000 live births in 2022, higher than the SDG target of 70. Main causes included hemorrhage (21. 14%), hypertension (26. 34%), and infections (2. 76%). Most deaths happened postpartum (60. 90%)</em><em>. This study used a phenomenological approach with informants from the Head of the Health Office, Head of TU, Doctors, Nurses, Midwives, and postpartum women</em><em>The study aimed to evaluate how well policies work, examine challenges in human resources and communication, and understand the traits and views of program implementers. Results should enhance program execution to lower Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR) at UPTD Puskesmas Patani using Van Meter Van Horn theory</em><em>. </em><em>The research used in-depth interview guidelines about PONED implementation. It found that: 1. Standards and policy objectives are implemented. 2. Human resources are below standard. 3. Communication between organizations is poor. 4. Implementing agent characteristics are good. 5. Implementer attitudes are good. 6. The environment is good</em><em>. Implementation of the PONED program at the UPTD Puskesmas Patani according to Van Meter Van Horn's theory to reduce maternal mortality rates (MMR) has gone well in 4 elements: standards, measures, targets, and policy objectives; characteristics of implementing agents; attitudes of implementers; and the social, economic, and political environment. However, 2 elements, namely human resources and communication between organizational characteristics, have not gone well. This study should focus on the implementation of the PONED program and more in-depth exploration of the patient referral process in emergencies.</em></p>2025-01-23T09:24:43+07:00Copyright (c) 2025 Suriyanti Akbar, Eka Vicky Yulivantina, Yustina Ananti of Quality of Life in Toddlers with Stunting at the Pekauman Community Health Center, Banjarmasin City 2025-01-31T08:36:56+07:00Ririn Safitri[email protected]Malisa Ariani[email protected]Umi Hanik Fetriyah[email protected]<p><em>Stunting is a malnutrition problem that continues to occur, South Kalimantan is ranked 9th with a prevalence exceeding the national figure. The aim is to determine the quality of life of stunted toddlers at the Pekauman Community Health Center, Banjarmasin City. Descriptive research design. Sample of 30 stunted child respondents using purposive sampling technique. Data collection used the PedsQL questionnaire. The variables studied are quality of life based on physical, emotional, social and school function. Univariate analysis uses mean, median and mode values. Quality of life for physical function (63.3%) was in the good category, mean 78.02. Quality of life for emotional function (56.7%) was in the poor category, mean 67.83. Quality of life for social function (70%) is in the good category, mean 91.00. Quality of life for school functioning (100%) is in the good category, mean 100.00. The results showed that the quality of life with 3 functions was in the good category (59.3%) with a mean value of 77.05. The results of the psychosocial assessment were in the poor category (53.3%) with a mean of 79.41. The conclusion is that the quality of life of stunted toddlers is in the good category. The research contribution is as information for parents that their role is needed in children's growth and development and can be used as discussion material for education regarding regulating the nutritional content of each portion of food for stunted children.</em></p>2025-01-23T10:27:55+07:00Copyright (c) 2025 Ririn Safitri, Malisa Ariani, Umi Hanik Fetriyah of Head MSCT Examination in Cases of Mild Head Injuries 2025-02-14T14:44:46+07:00 Dyah Ayu Puspitaningtyas[email protected]Alfian Danie[email protected]Muhammad Fa’ik [email protected]<p><em>Mild Head Injury (</em><em>MIH</em><em>) with a Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) score of 13-15, has symptoms of temporary loss of neurological function, mild to severe headache and vomiting, CT-Scan examination is performed if there are signs of skull fracture and vomiting more than once. MSCT examination of the head at the Radiolog</em><em>y </em><em>of Salatiga City Hospital uses a scan area from the vertex to the mandible. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of Head MSCT examination in mild head injury cases. The research method used was descriptive qualitative method with a case study approach. The study was conducted in </em><em>November</em><em> 2023 at Salatiga Regional Hospital using MSCT scan patients of </em><em>MIH</em><em> head cases. The respondents included three radiographers, one radiology specialist and one referring doctor. The results showed that the MSCT scan examination of the head of </em><em>MIH</em><em> cases at the Radiology Installation of Salatiga City Hospital uses a scan area from the mandible to the vertex to determine the overall anatomy of head trauma patients and can provide information if there are abnormalities in the mandible area, abnormalities in the face bone area to the vertex area. The conclusion of this study is that Head MSCT examination is effective for mild head injury cases because it is able to show bone conditions in more detail than examinations using other modalities. </em></p>2025-01-23T13:24:43+07:00Copyright (c) 2025 Dyah Ayu Puspitaningtyas, Alfian Danie, Muhammad Fa’ik Relationship Between Family Caring and Compliance with Diet and Medication in Hypertension Patients at Sungai Tabuk 1 Public Health Center2025-01-31T08:37:00+07:00Halimatus Sa’diah[email protected]Rian Tasalim[email protected] Subhannur Rahman[email protected]<p><em>Hypertension is a health condition characterized by elevated blood pressure, often unnoticed by the individuals affected. Due to the absence of typical symptoms, hypertension is often referred to as the "silent killer." This study aims to explore the role of family caring in supporting diet and medication adherence in hypertension patients. This study utilized a descriptive quantitative research design with a cross-sectional approach. The sample consisted of 76 respondents selected using purposive sampling techniques. Data were collected through questionnaires and analyzed using the Chi-Square test with a significance level of p < 0.05. The results of the Chi-Square test indicate a significant relationship between family caring and diet adherence (p-value = 0.000) and between family caring and medication adherence (p-value = 0.006) in hypertension patients.</em></p>2025-01-23T13:29:41+07:00Copyright (c) 2025 Halimatus Sa’diah, Rian Tasalim, Subhannur Rahman of Low Hemoglobin Levels in Prospective Blood Donors in Yogyakarta2025-01-31T08:37:02+07:00Arif Tirtana[email protected]Lusia Peni Lamen[email protected]Wiwit Sepvianti[email protected]Aulia Rahman[email protected]Gravinda Widyaswara[email protected]Kumara Rahmawati Zain[email protected]Selasih Putri Isnawati Hadi[email protected]<p><em>Hemoglobin (Hb) is influenced by several factors, including unhealthy lifestyle, age, gender, food and drink. Hb binds and carries oxygen from the lungs to be distributed to all body tissues. Hb deficiency can cause anemia which can cause morbidity and mortality for sufferers. This research is to determine the risk factors for low hemoglobin levels in potential donors. This research method is descriptive observational.</em></p>2025-01-23T14:05:29+07:00Copyright (c) 2025 Arif Tirtana, Lusia Peni Lamen, Wiwit Sepvianti, Aulia Rahman, Gravinda Widyaswara, Kumara Rahmawati Zain, Selasih Putri Isnawati Hadi Activity of Sinularia sp. Against Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus: Meta-Analysis and Systematic Review2025-01-31T08:37:04+07:00Deka Prismawan[email protected]Monika Arvia Chiara[email protected]Shannen Ivanka Gunardi[email protected]Karmill Trinanda[email protected]Robby Sutedjo[email protected]Michael Michael[email protected]<p><em>The Ocean covers more than 70% of Indonesian archipelago, providing various bioactive compounds with great potential, however, it is relatively underexplored Sinularia sp, a genus of soft corals, exists at the coral reefs of Indo-Pacific ocean. Several recent studies have shown that Sinularia sp. contains various types of secondary metabolites with antiviral, antibacterial, anticancer, and antimalarial properties. In addition, further exploration and discovery of novel antibacterials that are effective against wide spectrum of bacteria is of great interest, especially to combat the emerging antibiotic resistance. The aim of this study is to evaluate the potential of antibacterial activity from Sinularia sp against E. coli and S. aureus which in turn, may provide an alternative antibacterial to overcome the emerging antibiotic resistance. This study was conducted based on the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analysis (PRISMA) statement to measure the effect size of the antibacterial activity from Sinularia sp. against E. coli and S. aureus. Estimated value of the effect size obtained is 2.52 (CI 95% 0.98 to 4.06) and 5.97 (CI 95% 3.18 to 8.77) towards E. coli and S. aureus. When viewed as a whole, published data appears to show a positive antibacterial effect from Sinularia sp.</em></p>2025-01-23T10:11:29+07:00Copyright (c) 2025 Deka Prismawan, Monika Arvia Chiara, Shannen Ivanka Gunardi, Karmill Trinanda, Robby Sutedjo, Michael Michael