Journal of Health (JoH) 2024-07-01T14:40:29+07:00 Dian Wuri Astuti Open Journal Systems <p><strong>Journal of Health (JoH)</strong> (p-ISSN 2355-8857 | e-ISSN 2407-6376) publishes research articles, conceptual articles, reports field studies (See Focus and Scope). The articles of this journal are published every six months, that is on January and July (2 issues per year), and published by the Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat STIKES Guna Bangsa Yogyakarta Indonesia.</p> Potensi Kitosan sebagai Sistem Penghantaran Gen S1 Virus SARS-CoV-2 dengan Vektor pEGFP-N1 2024-07-01T14:39:43+07:00 Asmarani Kusumawati Nabilah Adzra Fahhlevi Rarastoeti Pratiwi Raudatul Jannah Nurina Tahta Afwi Maulina <p><em>Coronavirus Disease-19 (COVID-19) is a disease caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2), this disease began to emerge at the end of 2019 and has become a pandemic to this day. Vaccination can play an important role to prevent the spread of the disease, so there are many vaccine developments, including DNA vaccines. Delivery systems such as chitosan can increase the effectiveness of vaccines. The purpose of this study was to optimize and evaluate the pEGFP-N1-S1 formula with a chitosan delivery system as a DNA vaccine candidate. Plasmids were cloned in E.coli DH5α and extracted for further evaluation with restriction enzymes and sequencing. The EGFP-N1-S1 plasmid was then formulated with chitosan nanoparticles with a mass ratio of Plasmid DNA:chitosan of 1:0.1; 1:0.2; 1:0.3; 1:0.4; 1:0.5; 1:0.6 and 1:0.7. The isolated plasmid has a concentration of 2182.32 ng/L and a purity of 1.911. Restriction results showed that the S1 gene (684 bp) was successfully inserted into the pEGFP-N1 plasmid (4813 bp). DNA:chitosan mass ratio of 1:0.6 is the optimal formulation for DNA to bind with chitosan perfectly.</em></p> 2024-06-27T15:04:43+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Asmarani Kusumawati, Nabilah Adzra Fahhlevi, Rarastoeti Pratiwi, Raudatul Jannah, Nurina Tahta Afwi Maulina Efektivitas Rendam Kaki Dengan Air Hangat dan Pijat Kaki Terhadap Penurunan Tekanan Darah Pada Ibu Hamil Dengan Hipertensi 2024-07-01T14:39:46+07:00 Ika Warisantika Yuni Kusmiyati Sunartono Sunartono <p><em>Preeclampsia in Indonesia is around 3.8-8.5%, being the cause of high maternal mortality by 24%. (Depkes RI, 2015). Karawang District Health Office reports 31.1% of maternal deaths in this district are due to preeclampsia. This study aims to prove that foot both with warm water and foot massage are effective in reducing blood pressure in preeclampsia mothers. The study design used RCT. The research sample was 40 people divided into 4 groups: 10 people for foot soak intervention, 10 people for massage intervention, 10 people for foot bath and foot massage and 10 people in the control group. </em><em>It was proven that the three interventions were effective in reducing hypertension in preeclampsia mothers, the highest average decrease in systolic 12.2 mmHg on the combined intervention, p-value 0.005, the lowest 8.2mmhg on foot massage intervention p-value 0.004, on the foot both group and massage group a p-value of 0.004. On day 5 of the foot both intervention a p-value of 0.005. The highest mean diastolic decrease was 8mmhg in the combined intervention a p-value of 0.005. The lowest decrease was 2.8mmhg on foot soak with warm water a p-value of 0.011. The statistical test results of the average decrease in blood pressure were all significant (p&lt;0.05).</em> <em>The combined intervention of soaking and foot massage proved to be more effective than the intervention of soaking foot or foot massage.</em></p> 2024-06-27T14:57:39+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ika Warisantika, Yuni Kusmiyati, Sunartono Sunartono Keterkaitan Pengetahuan dan Kepatuhan Konsumsi Tablet Tambah Darah Terhadap Kejadian Anemia Pada Remaja Putri Panti Asuhan Muhammadiyah Prambanan Sleman Yogyakarta Tahun 2022 2024-07-01T14:39:49+07:00 Mudita Sri Hidayah Shafira Azahra Spaer <p><em>Anemia is a condition of hemoglobin levels lower than 12 g/dL. Anemia can attack anyone, including adolescent girls. Based preliminary study at the Muhammadiyyah Orphanage Prambanan Sleman Yogyakarta, it was found that 4 out of 10 were anemic by measuring using a digital Hb tool, then 2 out of 10 only knew what anemia was, and out of 10 these students still did not consume iron supplement tablets. This study aims to determine the relationship between knowledge and adherence to blood supplement consumption and anemia incidence in adolescent girls at the Muhammadiyah Prambanan Sleman Orphanage, Yogyakarta. This research uses quantitative with a cross-sectional design for the data collection. The population was adolescent girls at Muhammadiyah Prambanan Orphanage Sleman Yogyakarta which amounted to 35 people and the sample was the whole population using the Total Sampling technique. This study showed a significant influence between anemia incidence in adolescent girls of Muhammadiyah orphanage Prambanan Sleman Yogyakarta obtained knowledge value P-Sig 0.025 (0.025 &lt;0.05). It can be concluded there is a relationship between independent and dependent variables.</em></p> 2024-06-27T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Mudita Sri Hidayah, Shafira Azahra Spaer Hubungan Pengetahuan dan Sikap Ibu Tentang Gizi dengan Kejadian Anemia Pada Ibu Hamil di Puskesmas Umbulharjo 1 Yogyakarta 2024-07-01T14:39:52+07:00 Stefania Widyanti Serang Chentia Misse Issabella Indah Purnamasari <p><em>The Relationship between Maternal Knowledge and Attitude about Nutrition with the Incidence of Anemia in Pregnant Women at Puskesmas Umbulharjo 1 Anemia is a condition where the number and size of red blood cells, or hemoglobin concentration is below a specified limit value, resulting in damage to the blood's capacity to transport oxygen throughout the body. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), in 2018, 40% of maternal deaths in developing countries were related to anemia in pregnancy. To determine the relationship between maternal knowledge and attitudes about nutrition and the incidence of anemia in pregnant women at Umbulharjo Community Health Center 1. Non-experimental quantitative research method with a cross-sectional design using primary data from interviews or questionnaires and secondary data from Umbulharjo Community Health Center I and Yogayakarta city health department. Of the 39 respondents, it was found that the majority of mothers who had good knowledge had a good attitude, namely (82.1%). Based on the chi square test results, the p-value was 0.000, which means there is a relationship between maternal knowledge and attitudes about nutrition and the incidence of anemia in pregnant women in the Umbulharjo Community Health Center area 1. There is a relationship between maternal knowledge and attitudes about nutrition and the incidence of anemia in pregnant women at Umbulharjo Community Health Center 1</em></p> 2024-06-27T15:06:20+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Stefania Widyanti Serang, Chentia Misse Issabella, Indah Purnamasari Pengaruh Stres dan Optimisme Terhadap Resilience pada Pada Orang Tua dengan Anak Penyandang Leukemia Di RSUD Ulin Banjarmasin 2024-07-01T14:39:55+07:00 Rani Normaya Sari Umi Hanik Fetriyah Muhammad Riduansyah <p><em>Childhood Cancer is a life-threatening disease and the leading cause of child death in low- and middle-income countries. Families having children with cancer can have a negative impact on the well-being of parents. Long leukemia treatment has an impact on parents, therefore resilience is needed. Several factors affect resilience, namely stress and optimism. Knowing the relationship between stress and optimism on the resilience of mothers who have children with leukemia at Ulin Hospital, Banjarmasin. Analytical survey design and Cross-Sectional design. The sample is a mother who has 30 children with leukemia using a purposive sampling technique. The instrument uses a Stress Scale (PSS) questionnaire. Optimism uses the Life Orientation Test – Revised (LOT-R) questionnaire, resilience uses The Corner Davidson Resilience Questionnaire (CD-RISC) which has been tested for validity and reliability. Univariate data analysis was performed to determine the frequency and percentage, and bivariate was performed using Kalmogorov-Smirnov to determine the relationship between variables.</em></p> 2024-06-27T15:08:43+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Rani Normaya Sari, Umi Hanik Fetriyah, Muhammad Riduansyah Hubungan Aktivitas Fisik Dengan Derajat Hipertensi Pada Lansia Peserta Prolanis Di Puskesmas Ngawen II Kabupaten Gunungkidul 2024-07-01T14:39:58+07:00 Antonius Yoga Setiyawan Agnes Mahayanti Christina Ririn Widiant Widianti <p><em>Hypertension is one of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) that cause the most mortalities in the world. Hypertension is an incurable disease with high risk of complications. Regular physical activity is one way to reduce the risk of complications. This research aims to determine the relationship between physical activity and the degree of hypertension in elderly prolanis participants at the Ngawen II Gunungkidul Health Center. Quantitative research design with descriptive correlation type with cross sectional approach. The study population was all elderly people with hypertension participating in prolanis at the Ngawen II Gunungkidul Health Center, totaling 150 people. The sample was 50 people, taken by accidental sampling technique. The instrument used is the Physical Activities Scale for Elderly (PASE) questionnaire, data analysis using the Spearman correlation test. The results showed that the portrait of physical activity of elderly people with hypertension participating in prolanis 39 respondents (78%) had a moderate level of physical activity, 6 respondents (12%) had a good level of physical activity and 5 respondents (10%) had a poor level of physical activity. The description of the degree of hypertension of elderly prolanis participants was 29 respondents (58%) mild category hypertension, 15 respondents (30%) moderate category hypertension, and 6 respondents (12%) severe category hypertension. Spearman correlation test show that there is a significant relationship between physical activity and the degree of hypertension in elderly hypertensive patients with prolanis participants. Researchers recommend that elderly increase their daily physical activity. Regular physical activity is proven to reduce the degree of hypertension.</em></p> 2024-06-27T15:14:11+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Antonius Yoga Setiyawan, Agnes Mahayanti, Christina Ririn Widiant Widianti Perancangan Aplikasi Penjadwalan Praktek Dokter di Rumah Sakit Menggunakan Metode Pewarnaan Graf 2024-07-01T14:40:02+07:00 Marian Tonis Abdul Zaky Marido Bisra Wiwik Suryandartiwi <p><em>Scheduling is a common need nowadays. One example is hospitals. Hospitals need a scheduling process to schedule doctors who will be on duty and use a room. This is due to the large number of doctors and the limited number of rooms, so a scheduling system is needed as needed. Problems that occur at Petala Bumi Hospital, the number of doctors on duty in the emergency room is quite large. However, there is confusion from management in managing the schedule of doctors in the emergency room. This research is a development of the Graph coloring method carried out in the preparation of a doctor's schedule at the hospital. This research was conducted to overcome scheduling problems that are often inappropriate and usually need to be corrected repeatedly in hospitals. The methods used to perform scheduling are quite diverse, one of which is the Graph coloring method. This study aims to determine the application of graph coloring in compiling a doctor's schedule. This research is a type of R&amp;D research with a system design design with the application of graph coloring. Graph coloring is done for four days because the graph coloring pattern matrix repeats after the fourth day. During the four-day preparation, graph coloring has 10 colors or chromatic numbers assuming three shifts and two doctors in one shift. Therefore, the optimization of the doctor's schedule preparation at the Emergency Room of Petala Bumi Hospital can be done with at least 10 doctors</em></p> 2024-06-27T15:17:12+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Marian Tonis, Abdul Zaky, Marido Bisra, Wiwik Suryandartiwi Peningkatan Minat Berobat ke Puskesmas melalui Analisa Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Minat Kunjungan 2024-07-01T14:40:11+07:00 Wiwik Suryandartiwi Bobi Handoko Muhammad Firdaus <p><em>Public</em><em> Health Centers are part of the health service that aims to organize health and is responsible for health development in the work area. Interest in visiting a health center is one of the most important things in improving health services in the community. One of the factors that influence interest in visiting a health center is accreditation. However, the actual accreditation of health centers is not well known among the general public. People are more familiar with criteria such as the quality of human resources, economy, location, facilities and service time. The method used is a quantitative method with a survey approach at Rejosari Health Center, Tenayan Raya District, Pekanbaru City. The community who participated in filling out the questionnaire was 100 people, the people who filled out the questionnaire were adult men and women with an average age of 18-40 years.</em> <em>Based on the data obtained, it shows that the quality of human resources has a negative influence on the interest in visiting. Then the economy, location, facilities and time have a positive influence on the interest in visiting the </em><em>health center</em><em> by the community. The results of this study also show that the selected factors have a model fit with the interest in visiting shown by the r value of 75.3%. The linear equation model obtained in the analysis of factors affecting interest in visiting is Y = 0.211 - 0.116 X1 + 0.149 X2 + 0.063 X3 + 0.385 X4 + 0.046 X5+e.</em></p> 2024-06-27T15:19:43+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Wiwik Suryandartiwi, Bobi Handoko, Muhammad Firdaus Pengaruh Pemberian Cookies Daun Kelor Terhadap Peningkatan Berat Badan Balita Usia 1-5 Tahun 2024-07-01T14:40:15+07:00 Selasih Putri Isnawati Hadi Nirma Susanti Febry Heldayasari <p>Based on electronic data from Community-Based Nutrition Recording and Reporting in November 2022, the prevalence of stunted toddlers in Posyandu was 36.8%, malnutrition was 18% and toddlers not gaining weight was 52%. Toddlers are a critical period whose nutrition must be considered for optimal growth and development. This can be helped by optimizing the use of natural ingredients that are easily available, one of which is the use of Moringa leaves as a food innovation for toddlers. The aim of this research is to analyze the effect of giving cookies with the addition of Moringa powder on increasing the weight of toddlers aged 1-5 years. The research method uses a Quasy Experiment with a pretest and posttest approach with control group design. Research subjects were toddlers aged 1-5 years who met the criteria. The sample used purposive sampling of 36 respondents. Data analysis uses univariate analysis and to test the influence between two variables using the Man Whitney Test. By using the Man Whitney test, the p-value was 0.003&lt;0.05, meaning there was a difference in giving Moringa leaf cookies to the increase in body weight of toddlers aged 1-5 years. The conclusion of this research is that there is an effect of giving moringa leaf cookies on increasing the weight of toddlers aged 1-5 years, this is because the moringa content is very complete and can help increase the weight of toddlers.</p> 2024-06-27T15:27:53+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Selasih Putri Isnawati Hadi, Nirma Susanti, Febry Heldayasari Pengaruh Edukasi Kesehatan Menggunakan Metode Ceramah dan Leaflet Terhadap Pengetahuan Kader Posyandu Balita Tentang Pencegahan Stunting Pada Anak 2024-07-01T14:40:18+07:00 Vivin Oktari Selasih Putri Isnawati Hadi Isnawati Hadi Febry Heldayasari Prabandari <p>The high incidence of stunting is a concern for the government. Stunting is a problem that has not yet been resolved in Indonesia. Stunting is a form of growth failure and the factor of stunting is a lack of nutritious food intake which has an impact on children's intelligence, susceptibility to disease, decreased productivity. The aim of this research is to determine the effect of health education using lectures and leaflets on the knowledge of toddler posyandu cadres about preventing stunting in children in Tridadi Village. This type of research uses a quantitative approach. In this study, a group of health posyandu cadres registered in the Tridadi Village data were given stunting knowledge education using leaflets. The population in the research of female cadres in Tridadi village, Sleman sub-district, Sleman district, Yogyakarta province totaled 69 people. The sample studied was 36 people. This research uses purposive sampling. This research instrument uses a questionnaire in the form of a structured statement. The research results showed that there was an influence before and after being given health education using leaflet media on the knowledge of toddler posyandu cadres about preventing stunting in children, namely the lecture and leaflet groups had an increase from pre to post, namely 3.73% and the lecture group had an increase from pre to post, namely 2.17%. There is an average effect of health education using leaflet media on the knowledge of toddler posyandu cadres about preventing stunting in children with a P-Value of 0.000.&nbsp;</p> 2024-06-28T14:37:07+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Vivin Oktari, Selasih Putri Isnawati Hadi Isnawati Hadi, Febry Heldayasari Prabandari Literatur Review: Faktor Resiko Sindrom Ovarium Polikistik pada Remaja 2024-07-01T14:40:22+07:00 Wilda Qotrunnada Salsabila Kartika Adyani Friska Realita <p><em>Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a complex metabolic, reproductive, and psychological disorder that impacts women throughout their lives. PCOS is a hormonal imbalance disorder that occurs in women of childbearing age. This can cause symptoms such as irregular menstruation, amenorrhea (absence of menstruation), anovulation (absence of ovulation), hirsutism, acne, and obesity. PCOS also causes metabolic disorders in the body. The exact cause of PCOS is not known but in general it can be caused by genetic and environmental factors. Many studies have proven the factors that influence PCOS. Therefore, to conclude the results of this research, a literature review was carried out. The literature was searched for scientific articles with the keywords "nutritional status", "physical activity", "mental health", "menstrual cycle", "PCOS" and "adolescence". Article search via Google Scholar and PubMed. After conducting a search, </em><em>9</em><em> articles were found that met the writing criteria. The results of the review show that several factors can significantly increase the risk of PCOS, namely, excessive nutritional status, lack of physical activity, poor mental health (stress and depression), and long and irregular menstrual cycles. The results of the review also prove that the main factors with the highest level of risk in this article are long and irregular menstrual cycles and excessive nutritional status</em></p> 2024-06-27T15:11:14+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Wilda Qotrunnada Salsabila, Kartika Adyani , Friska Realita Pengaruh Kepemimpinan Kepala Ruangan terhadap Pengembangan Karir Perawat di Ruang Rawat Inap Rsud Dr. H. Moch Ansari Saleh Banjarmasin 2024-07-01T14:40:26+07:00 Elssa Novranty Mohammad Basit Rifa’atul Mahmudah <p><em>Leadership is a process of influencing and directing group members to carry out their duties. Apart from that, leaders are expected not only to give orders to employees, but also to increase their employees' motivation to work. The leadership of the head of the room has a strong influence on the career development of nurses, where a leader or head of the room serves as a provider of instructions to his employees. The head of the room is someone who is given the authority or responsibility to organize and control nursing activities in the ward. Career development must include work performance, work motivation, commitment, discipline, and must be supported by the leader.</em> <em>Knowing how the influence of the head of the room's leadership on the career development of nurses in the inpatient room of RSUD. Dr. H. Moch Ansari Saleh Banjarmasin.</em> <em>&nbsp;This study uses quantitative methods with cross sectional design. The sample size was 33 respondents with total sampling technique. The data analyzed was using the spearman rank test with a value of p=0.843.</em> <em>The results of the bivariate analysis using the spearman rank test obtained a value of P = 0.843 which means greater than (&gt;0.05), therefore it is stated that there is no effect of the leadership of the head of the cave.</em><em> There is no influence of the head of the room's leadership on the career development of nurses in the RSUD inpatient room. Dr. H. Moch Ansari Saleh Banjarmasin.</em></p> 2024-06-27T15:22:19+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Elssa Novranty, Mohammad Basit, Rifa’atul Mahmudah