Counseling on Long-Term Contraception Methods (MKJP) and Installation of Intra Uteri Devaice (IUD) and Implant Contraceptive Methods

Penyuluhan Metode Kontrasepsi Jangka Panjang (MKJP) dan Pemasangan Kontrasepsi Jenis Intra Uteri Devaice dan Implan

  • Sri Dinengsih Universitas Nasional
  • Eka Oktavia Universitas Nasional
Keywords: Keywords: women of childbearing age, MKJP, acceptors


The Family Planning Program is an integral and inseparable part of the national development program, which seeks to create economic, spiritual and social integration. The Covid-19 pandemic has resulted in delays in family planning services, especially for MKJP (long-term birth control method) family planning services and restrictions on visits to Health facilities, for example hospitals and community health centers, estimated global impact of Covid-19 on reproductive health due to lockdown for 6 months. 47 million women in 114 low and middle income countries are projected to not have access to modern contraception. If there is a disruption in the availability of modern contraceptive services, it will result in 7 million unwanted pregnancies. This condition has an impact on the continuity of public health services, including family planning and reproductive health services. In this pandemic condition, WUS with 4T are expected not to become pregnant, so health workers need to ensure they continue to use contraception. Community service aims to increase the level of knowledge about MKJP among women of childbearing age (WUS) so that WUS will use MKJP (IUD & Implants). The subjects of this activity were 12 women of childbearing age at TPMB "S" located in East Jakarta. This activity uses online and offline media. The method consists of 3 stages: planning, implementation, evaluation. indicators of success in knowledge about MKJP among WUS are 80% good and participation of WUS in becoming New MKJP Acceptors is 48%. It is hoped that WUS can understand about MKJP type contraception and are willing to become MKJP acceptors


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How to Cite
Sri Dinengsih, & Eka Oktavia. (2023). Counseling on Long-Term Contraception Methods (MKJP) and Installation of Intra Uteri Devaice (IUD) and Implant Contraceptive Methods: Penyuluhan Metode Kontrasepsi Jangka Panjang (MKJP) dan Pemasangan Kontrasepsi Jenis Intra Uteri Devaice dan Implan. J.Abdimas: Community Health, 4(2), 56-63.