The Effectiveness Of Health Education With Audiovisual Methods On Parents Motivation In Prividing Anthelmintic At Primary School

  • Ignasia Yunita Sari STIKES Bethesda Yakkum Yogyakarta
Keywords: helminths, education, audiovisual


Soil-transmitted helminths (STHs) infects 24% of the world’s population, especially children and incerase morbidity. One of the intervention to overcome STHs is the administration of anthelmintic. Parental motivation is needed to increase for regularity in administration anthelmintic. The purpose of this studi was to determine of the effectiveness of health education using audiovisual methods on the motivation of parents in giving anthelmintic at Sanjaya Tritis Pakem Primary School. The research method used was a quasi experimental desain with pre-test and post-test nonequivalent control group.The control group was given education by using audiovisual method and the control grup with  lectures. The analysis method uses wilcoxon test dan mann whitney test. The results showed that health education using audiovisual methods was effective in incerasing parents’ motivation (p value 0,000). There was no difference in effectiveness of education using audiovisual methods and lectures in increasing parents’ motivation.


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How to Cite
Yunita Sari, I. (2021). The Effectiveness Of Health Education With Audiovisual Methods On Parents Motivation In Prividing Anthelmintic At Primary School. Journal of Health (JoH), 8(1), 28-35.