The Effectivenes of the Use of Maternity Classes on Decision Making In Maternal and Child Health Service in Klaten Regency

  • dr. Bima Suryantara, SpOG(K) STIKES Guna Bangsa Yogyakarta
  • Dr. Heni Puji Wahyuningsih,S.SiT,M.Keb POLTEKKES KEMENKES YOGYAKARTA
Keywords: Effectiveness, classes for pregnant women, decision making in maternal and child health services


Background : Not yet optimal decision making in maternal and child health services which includes the use of MCH books, antenatal care visits, adherence of pregnant women in consuming iron tablets, Incomplete charging BPCR and self efficacy pregnancy , may be one of the contributing indirecy cause  maternal death. One of  the government programs to reduce maternal mortality and improve the health of pregnant women is to hold classes for pregnant women. The research objective was to determine the effectiveness of the use of pregnant women’s classes on decision making in maternal and child health services. Methods: The research design used was a true experimental design with a posttest only control design. The research sample was 130 pregnant Results: Classes for pregnant  are effective in increasing use of the MCH book, compliance with ANC visits, completeness of BPCR and compliance with taking iron tablets , implementation of classes for pregnant  was not effective in increasing self efficacy  . The results showed that pregnant  who attend classes for pregnant women could increase the MCH  by 5,94 times after controlling for the parity variable, can increase adherence to ANC Visits 10,97 times after controlling for age, maternal education and health insurance, can increase the completeness of BPCR by 16,58 times after controlling for the parity variable, can increase adherence to taking iron tablets by 13,82 times after controlling for parity variables Conclusion : implementation of the class for pregnant women is effective in increasing decision making in maternal and chold health services.


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How to Cite
RATMAWATI, Y. N. R., dr. Bima Suryantara, SpOG(K), & Dr. Heni Puji Wahyuningsih,S.SiT,M.Keb. (2023). The Effectivenes of the Use of Maternity Classes on Decision Making In Maternal and Child Health Service in Klaten Regency. Journal of Health (JoH), 10(1), 095-108.