Hubungan Pemberian ASI Eksklusif Terhadap Perkembangan Bayi Usia 6-9 Bulan di Desa Podosoko Kecamatan Sawangan Kabupaten Magelang Tahun 2013

  • Siti Fadhilah STIKES Guna Bangsa Yogyakarta
  • Yustina Ananti STIKES Guna Bangsa Yogyakarta
  • Puji Rahayu STIKES Guna Bangsa Yogyakarta
Keywords: Exclusive breastfeeding, Infant development, Age 6-9 months


Background : Breastfeeding is a natural process and is very beneficial for the baby. Babies who are breastfed are generally grown rapidly in the first 2-3 months of life, but more slowly than infants who are not exclusively breastfed . Mother's Milk can satisfy all the basic needs of the child to grow and develop, both physical-biomedical needs (Foster) ,the need for affection/emotion (compassion), and the need for stimulation (teaser).

Objective: To determine the relationship of exclusive breastfeeding on the development of infants aged 6-9 months.

Methods: The research method used is analytic correlation with cross-sectional approach. The sampling method in this study is purposive sampling with a sample size of 80 respondents.

Results : There is a corelation between exclusive breastfeeding on the development of infants aged 6-9 months at the Podokoso Village Sawangan District of Magelang 2013 with a p value of 0.000 ( 0.000 < 0.05 ).

Conclusion : There is a corelation between exclusive breastfeeding on the development of infants aged 6-9 months.


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How to Cite
Fadhilah, S., Ananti, Y., & Rahayu, P. (2014). Hubungan Pemberian ASI Eksklusif Terhadap Perkembangan Bayi Usia 6-9 Bulan di Desa Podosoko Kecamatan Sawangan Kabupaten Magelang Tahun 2013. Journal of Health (JoH), 1(1), 18-22.

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