Vol. 9 No. 2 (2022): Journal of Health (JoH) - July

Praise and gratitude we pray to the presence of Allah Almighty, for the abundance of grace and gifts so that the Journal of Health (JoH) Vol. 9 No. July 2, 2022 can be published on time. This volume consists of 7 articles with 15 authors from 7 universities/agencies in Indonesia, namely STIKES Wira Medika Bali, STIKES KESOSI, Politeknik Sandi Karsa Makassar, University of Airlangga, STIKES Banyuwangi, STIKES Kepanjen, and STIKES Guna Bangsa Yogyakarta.
The publication of this journal cannot be separated from the help of many parties, especially our gratitude to our review partners and the entire editorial team who have worked hard in reviewing the manuscript so that it deserves to be published in this journal. We also appreciate the researchers who have made the Journal of Health (JoH) a medium for publishing their research results.
Finally, we hope that the articles in the Journal of Health (JoH) can add to the wealth of knowledge and scientific insights, especially in the health sector. We still hope for constructive criticism and suggestions for the improvement of this journal. The cover, Foreword, and Table of Contents can be downloaded here.
Research Articles
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